A substance that when it enters the body (by breathing, eating, or touching) causes a mild to severe reaction like sneezing, wheezing, a rash, or other symptoms. Some common allergens are pollen, mold, pet allergens, medications and some foods.
AllergistA medical doctor specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of people who are affected by allergies.
AllergyA reaction such as sneezing, itching, or rashes to a substance. Common things that cause allergies are pollen, mold, furry pets, and medication.
AntibodiesSpecialized molecules produced by the body as part of an immune response-such as in fighting an infection, virus, or allergen.
Asthma Awareness MonthSince 1984, the month of May has been officially recognized as National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month. During this month, organizations across the U.S. help promote asthma education, screening and other awareness issues.
AwareHaving or showing understanding or knowledge. Awareness of your asthma warning signs, triggers, and treatment options can give you the power to take charge of your health.
Bronchial Tubes(Bronchus, plural Bronchi) the main tubes that carry air into the lungs. There are two bronchial tubes that branch off from the trachea-one bronchus goes to each lung. Asthma causes the inside of the bronchial tubes to become swollen and irritated.
Cold ("Common Cold")An infectious illness caused by several types of viruses that can attack the breathing tubes, that can cause sneezing, fever, running nose, and difficulty breathing. Colds are spread by coming into contact with an infected person.
ConnectTo join or link together things, by something coming between--like a bridge connects two sides of a river.
ControllerType of asthma medication used to prevent symptoms. Usually taken daily, even when you feel good.
DanderThe name for the tiny airborne particles of dead skin cells and from furry animals that can cause allergic reactions like sneezing, itching, swollen eyes or wheezing.
DeclarationAn announcement, or a public document that announces something.
DefenseThe act of resisting against an attack.
DustAny fine, dry powder can be called "dust." Dust can be made up of things like soil, mineral particles (chalk, plaster, etc.) or even tiny particles of dead skin cells or clothing fibers. Dust mites are tiny organisms that live on dust! Most people who are bothered by dust are actually allergic to these tiny dust mites.
ExerciseAny physical activity that requires some effort. Exercise usually means activity that you do for the sake of physical fitness. You can get exercise from participating in sports, playing with friends, walking, dancing, climbing stairs, or even from work like raking leaves.
Exercise Induced Asthma (Bronchospasm)A kind of asthma that is triggered by prolonged or exceptionally heavy rapid physical activity, usually after about 6-8 minutes into the strenuous exercise. Symptoms include coughing, wheezing, tight chest and shortness of breath. The symptoms can be worse in cold, dry air.
Food AllergyFood allergies happen when your body thinks a food is harmful, and tries to fight it off by releasing chemicals that can cause wheezing, a rash, or worse! Over six million Americans have food allergies; many of them are kids. The most common allergy-causing foods are peanuts, tree nuts (walnuts, pecans), milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, wheat, and soy.
Hay FeverCommon term for seasonal allergic rhinitis. Usually caused by pollen or other seasonal airborne allergens, the symptoms of hay fever are itchy, runny nose, stuffy nose, watery itchy red eyes, and sneezing, but usually not fever.
HistamineA chemical released by cells of the body's immune system in an allergic reaction. Histamine causes irritation that can produce symptoms like watering eyes or nose, sneezing, itching or swelling.
ImmunityThe power to resist an infection or allergic reaction. Immunity is usually a result of a vaccine, a previous attack of the disease, or natural resistance.
ImmunizationTreatment (such as with an injected or inhaled vaccine) to produce an increased ability to resist a particular disease.
ImmunotherapyAn allergy treatment regimen that includes gradually increasing exposure to the allergen, and therefore decreased sensitivity to the substance, by means of allergy shots or under the tongue.
IndependenceA state of not being controlled or ruled by something. To be free from influence.
InfluenzaAny of various types of very contagious viral diseases that cause fever, inflammation of the respiratory tract, severe aches and pains, and other symptoms. Often called "The Flu," as shortened form of "influenza".
InhalerA device used to deliver medicine by breathing it into the lungs. The medicines delivered by an inhaler can be for asthma control (used every day), or for symptom relief (used when needed.)
InjectionCommonly called a "shot," an injection is the delivery of medicine, vaccine, or other treatment by a hypodermic syringe.
Mast Cell and BasophilsSpecialized cells containing granules that release histamine and other chemicals as part of an allergic reaction.
MedicationSomething that treats or prevents illness, or helps improve symptoms.
MoldMolds are a kind of living thing that make tiny spores that float in the air indoors and outdoors. Breathing the mold spores can cause allergic symptoms or infection. When the spores land on a damp spot they can start to grow more mold. There are molds that can grow on damp wood, carpet, and walls.
MucusA clear, slippery sticky substance produced in the nose and throat to keep breathing tubes clean and moist.
PlanAn organized method for doing something to reach a goal. Just like a map can help you plan a trip, an asthma plan can help you be healthy and active.
PollenPollen is a fine powder from trees, grass and weeds. It blows in the air and can be an asthma or allergic trigger.
PrepareTo get ready for something. Taking charge of your asthma means always being ready with your action plan, medications, and watching for warning signs.
PreparedTo be ready for something. If you are prepared, you will have the confidence and information to live safely with asthma and still have fun!
ProtectionSomething that guards or shields you from possible injury or harm.
RagweedA weedy plant whose pollen is irritating to the eyes and noses and can cause asthma. Ragweed season is from August until frost in most of the U.S.
Rescue MedicationType of asthma medication used to relieve sudden asthma symptoms. Used only when needed.
ResolutionA decision, or the formal announcement of a decision or desire. A New Year's Resolution is a personal decision made at the start of the New Year to improve a negative habit or make some other health improvement.
RhinitisA medical term meaning inflammation of the nasal passages. Usually used in the phrase "allergic rhinitis" meaning nasal inflammation due to an inhaled allergen.
SafeFree or secure from danger. Not threatened. Not likely to come to harm.
ScaredTo become frightened. To have feelings of danger or concern about what may happen. Often if we understand more about something scary or tell someone, we can feel more in control, and not be as scared.
ScentScent is another word for "smell" or "odor." Many products like cosmetics, candles, soaps, and cleaners have a strong scent that can be an asthma trigger.
Seasonal AllergyA reaction to naturally-occurring substances (like pollen or mold) that are only present at certain times of year. Some people have Spring allergies to tree and/or grass pollen, others might have Fall allergies to leaf mold and ragweed.
Short-acting beta2 agonistA bronchodilator spray used before exercise to help prevent the symptoms of exercise-induced asthma. They are usually used a few minutes before exercise and can last 4 hours. Albuterol is the most commonly used. They are also used to treat symptoms.
SinusAny of the hollow spaces in the front part of the skull that connect with the nasal passages.
SmogSmog is air pollution that can be an asthma trigger.
SmokeA cloud of fine particles and gasses created when something burns. People smoking cigarettes, fireplaces, burning incense, and candles are all sources of indoor smoke that can aggravate asthma symptoms.
TriggerA trigger is something that can make asthma worse. Avoiding triggers is important to control asthma.
VirusA very tiny simple microorganism that can produce a wide range of diseases in people. When a virus enters the body, it grows and multiplies on living cells and can cause sickness. Colds and flu are some of the most common types of illnesses caused by a virus.
WarningSomething that gives early notice, especially of danger. A warning sign on the highway might say "Watch for Curve Ahead." An asthma warning sign might signal the beginning of an asthma episode. Listen to your body's warning signs and learn how to respond.